Keeping everyone dry - Diaper Drive

We love keeping people dry! It’s usually with a new roof, but we do it with diapers too!

Partnering with the Greater DC Diaper Bank, we collect diapers from friends, family, and neighbors! And we invite you to join us!!

The Greater DC Diaper Bank takes all sizes of diapers, but they are *always* in need of larger sizes (size 4 and up - Size 5s are their biggest need).
And you can give open packs of diapers (ie: your kids outgrew their diaper size or if your kids are finally out of diapers - PRAISE!)! The Diaper Bank just asks you to please label them with the diaper size and number of diapers. Their volunteers are thanking you already.

You can drop off diapers at our home office or order something through the Greater DC Diaper Bank’s amazon wishlist!

Giving back to our community is one of DA Roofer’s core values. Thanks for joining us in helping others!


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